Friday, May 24, 2013

Out of my league

Starboy and I popped into a fancy bookstore recently, and found this cute book called Funny Food.

 Man, I thought I was so clever coming up with little shapes for Starboy's breakfasts.

 I am not worthy! These are ridiculous! I mean, The Mona Lisa, made out of a plum? Is everywhere Florida now? It's almost as bad as those unbelievably detailed Bento lunches!
I know. I wish I could do it, too. But I just don't have the energy to care that deeply. 

 Okay, but I might be able to do this one with bananas and berries. That's not too deep.
I wish they had some more animals, though. There are a lot of "people" in the book.

Really, women have to be sexualized at breakfast, too?! L'oeuf'ly.

I suspect the train banana will be requested. 

So, check out this hilarious book at your local bookstore, if you have any left. I think it's a little more fun than Play With Your Food, but they definitely go together. We didn't buy a copy, but I wouldn't mind a second look if I saw it at a used book sale. I'd love to see an "all animals" edition!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Reading Roundup 2013.05.17

Some fun reading this week.

Say Hello to the 100 Trillion Bacteria That Make up your Microbiome, New York Times (May 15, 2013)
A must-read by Michael Pollan. Print and save.

How to Tell a Story, Crafting Connections (May 13, 2013)
Storytelling tips from Sparkle Stories' David Sewell McCann!

Brenda Chapman, 'Brave' Creator, Calls Merida's Makeover 'Atrocious', Huffington Post
(May 13, 2013)

Disney Princess Makeover Sparks Outrage: Merida Petition Goes Viral, Yahoo! Shine,
(May 10, 2013)
Despite 200,000 signatures, Disney carries on, saying it's a "limited run of merchandise." Also check out the slideshow of current toy makeovers at the bottom.

Chores Without Threats or Bribery
Attachment Parenting International
May 15, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Reading Roundup 2013.05.10

Here are some things I looked at this week....

Cyberparenting and the Risk of TMI, NYT Motherlode (May 3, 2013)

Female Purity is Bullshit, Jezebel (May 8ish, 2013)
"This entire 'conversation' is just an effort to rig a system in which men get to determine female worthlessness no matter the input."

5 Things to do when you feel your temper rising, Aha Parenting (April 24, 2013)
"You notice what you're feeling, you breathe your way through it, and you DO nothing.
When our temper rises, we all feel an urgent need to DO something, anything. But that's our emergency response system operating. And parenting, despite how it feels, is not usually an emergency. "

Structure: Why kids need Routines, Aha Parenting (May 13ihs, 2013)
Structure and routines teach kids how to constructively control themselves and their environments. 

I love this Rita Pierson video on what teaching really is about.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Incredible tree book

That Tree by Mark Hirsch
This amazing photo-a-day project by Mark Hirsch will be published in August. The Denver Post wrote about it recently, but you just can't miss Hirsch's website. Hirsch was challenged by a friend to make a photo a day of the tree, and the project wrapped up in March. The images are stunning, thoughtful, amazing—and all taken with an iPhone.

I'm ready to pre-order. What a great vehicle for daydreaming!

Not your father's yule log (!)

Seriously?! As a no-TV-for-kids advocate, I'd prefer the WPIX yule log to this sorry landfill-filler. Yes, this is the big city, but there's still camping within an hour of the city. Gross!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Reading Roundup 2013.05.06

Hope you are enjoying your Screen Free Week! (Hey, what are you doing here?)

Dear Less-Than-Perfect Mom, Huffington Post (Apr. 30, 2013)

Playgrounds with Natural Elements Offer More Benefits for Children than Traditional Parks, Inhabitots
(Apr. 26, 2013)

The Play Date Gun Debate, NY Times (Apr. 29, 2013)
Talking about guns with other parents

Willie Nelson Turns 80: One Person Carrying a Message can Change the World, April 29, 2013
Singing: Angel Flying too Close to the Ground (H/T Don Winslow)
Democracy Now!

Grading Writing: The art and science — and why computers can't do it, Washington Post Answer Sheet (May 2, 2013)

The High Cost of Low Teacher Salaries, NY Times, (Apr. 30, 2013)

How I became a hipster, NY Times (May 1, 2013)
Very funny story about being hip in Brooklyn.