Monday, October 17, 2011

Harvest Sensory Bin a success

Starboy had spotted the new Harvest Sensory Bin a few days ago, and I made him wait until his pal Mary Jane came over to play last week. They enjoyed the bins—but there was wayyyyy too much stuff. Both of them just sat there for several minutes and stared at the bin when it first was presented to them—they had no idea where to start. The playing field was covered with crap harvest sensory overload. It wasn't until I cleared away half the stuff into a bowl on the side that they felt like they could interact with their bins.

Starboy immediately asked for a car to drive through the bin.

It was very cute, as they found things, they played this little game of Go Fish with each other.

Starboy: "I have a fall. Leaf. Irene have a fall leaf?"
Mary Jane (thrilled to discover leaf): "YEAH! You have pumpkin?"
Starboy: "I have a pumpkin!....Turkey?"
Mary Jane: "I have TURKEY!"

This went on for a few minutes. I needed to add an empty spice jar to each bin, because both kids wanted to "pour" and there wasn't much to pour with. They both liked the little rake, the silk leaves, and filling the wooden box with beans and puffs.

Mary Jane lost interest sooner than Starboy, but when her mom came to pick her up, she was impressed that Mary Jane had sat and played for so long! She played with some Pumpkin Spice Play-doh, and then they took turns eating it while I wasn't looking. Yech.

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