The fairies are from Toobs, which I picked up at Michael's for a different project. There were a few left over.
The treasures are glass "embeds" (for floral arrangements or for gel candle scenes — this seems like a goofy hobby to me, but in the middle of a post about gluing paper onto old egg shells, maybe I shouldn't be throwing stones). The embeds will be great for the nature table. There also are little wooden treasures for Starboy's gnomes. You also could include glass beads.
I meant to put in some confetti as well, but I forgot. I thought a fun flurry of color as the egg smashed would be fun.
Using watered down school glue and a paint brush, the fairies were sealed into their eggs. They were too tall to fit in the whole way.
They were dried halfway in the egg box, but then when the whole egg was wet I just set them on the counter to dry on their feet. You have to be careful the egg doesn't stick to the carton. But they dry fairly quickly.
E. Bunny also will hide some treasure eggs for Starboy. These are eggs I've been saving over the past couple of weeks during breakfast prep.
I take care to break only the end with a knife, and dump out the egg for omelettes, then I wash the shell and let it dry. For these eggs, I've only covered the hole and less than half the egg with the glued tissue. I was worried the egg would be too hard to break with that sturdy paper maƮche on it.
At my house my daughter is getting a hard boiled egg for Easter. You put me to shame...