By the way, my experience at Lowe's in Burbank wasn't all that positive. I spoke with at least three different sales people and not one of them seemed familiar with their stock, interested in finding out more information for me, or helpful in pretty much any way. In single days I would have just bailed and gone back to Home Depot, but we already were Beyond Nap with Starboy so I decided to figure it out on my own.

So instead I spent $30 on an old wine cask. Which I know is going to make a good garden, because that's what Donni's family used several years ago at The Magic Onions.
• One flat of moss $3 (I would have gotten two, but they only had one.).
• Tiny succulents, $2 each
• Terra cotta pot for a fairy cave, about $2
• Flowery plants that I hope will cascade down the side of the barrel, about $4 each
• Some chives that I might include...though I feel like either all of the plants should be edible, or none of them, so children can't get confused.
• Fancy river rocks for paths and making a well and a pond. Five bucks per bag! Geez! If you live near a lake, spend a day collecting!
• And soil! I nearly forgot to mention I picked up two bags of organic soil to fill the bucket. *
• And soil! I nearly forgot to mention I picked up two bags of organic soil to fill the bucket. *
The next step is to sand the edges of the wine barrel, which are rough and splintery. But first, I have to figure out how to get it out of the back of my car. And all of that is on hold until they finish the street resurfacing today, since we can't even get into the driveway.
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