We're spending December enjoying time together with reading and holiday activities. Here's what we made today:

Button garlands!
Boy, talk about easy. Twine, buttons, thread it, done.
Starboy was interested in playing with the bowls of buttons, but I have to say the activity didn't hold his attention to the end. There was a lot of cajoling and a little help from mommy to finish up. I think he wasn't in the zone.

Santa's Snow Cat
by Sue Stainton and Anne Mortimer
A long and sweet story about a cat on an adventure, looking for the real Santa.
Yes, once again the activity and book are not really even related. If we had a cat and used the garland as a cat toy, maybe. But. We don't have a cat. Tune in next year for a more educational approach. Or stick around to just have fun with your kid, and not worry about it right now.

These look great on the tree, or as ribbon on a gift. Despite this crummy photo.
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