Today's book:

Mim's Christmas Jam
by Andrea Davis Pinckney
Lovely book with lovely illustrations. When the book talks about the guys calling their bosses "Mean and Evil," we skip that part. Starboy is three. He doesn't need to be explicitly taught about name-calling at this point. He'll have plenty of opportunities on that one.
There is a recipe at the back of the book to make Mim's Belly Hum Jam. I wish I'd been organized enough with the ingredients to do it. Instead, we visited Santa and Starboy shared his wishlist and tried his first candy cane ("Too spicy"). We had "lunch over the cars," which means sitting in the window at the mall's diner and eating a grilled cheese, while watching cars exit the parking garage underneath the restaurant.
Next year, by gum, that book will be covered with Christmasy paper. I didn't think it would end up in the photo.
After our mall extravaganza, we went home and put ornaments on the tree.
We've also been having "special drink" for the holidays in the mornings. Heeyyyy...mama should get some EGGNOG! Ah. Starboy has been having kefir in an elfy kids mug from Crate and Barrel. Just his size.
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